A business network is a website where businesses are listed by category.
Categorisation could be by type of business, location, activity, or size, among other factors.
These networks can include the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Type of Service
- Type of products
- Number of employees
- Service region
- Video profile
Why is it good to be listed on many networks?
The more networks you are listed on, the greater the chance of your business being found by people searching by keywords or categories.
Popular business networks include Google, Facebook, Apple, Bing, and Foursquare.
Our advice
Our advice is that you are listed on all the networks that we offer. However, we understand that you may prefer to configure the networks we send your business info to, so we offer the option to enable or disable which networks you’re connected to.
Type of connections with the networks:
- Direct two-way connection: PinMeTo pushes data to the network and the network pushes data to PinMeTo. We know what data is in the network.
- One-way connection: PinMeTo submits the data to the network but has no feedback about if it’s published, or what data is live.
You can read more about our Networks List here.
Google Business Profile (GBP)
Google Search
Google Maps
Instagram (Locations)
Apple Maps
Bing Places