Import location information

For more about the importance of the different fields, please read this article

StoreID (Required)

  • This is the ID/Code to identify the location. Preferably the same as in the customer’s CMS.
  • PinMeTo allows you to set ID’s up to 36 characters. A character is a number, letter or special character such as a hashtag. However, if your ID is longer than 10 characters and it’s not only containing digits, you’ll have to set a separate StoreID for Facebook as this network is only compatible with digits, from 0 to 9, up to 10 digits.
  • More information here

Storefront Name (Required)

  • Name of the location.

Facebook Custom name – disabled by default – optional to be enabled

  • This is used if you want to enable a separate location name just for Facebook (our onboarding specialists can advise you if you need to use it)

Google Custom name – disabled by default – optional to be enabled

  • This is used if you want to enable a separate location name just for Google (our onboarding specialists can advise you if you need to use it)

Location descriptor (Used internally and on Facebook)

  • Location descriptor for this store. This will appear in parenthesis after the Storefront name and should only be used if the location has a special location that is not clear from its city or street address. (e.g. if it’s inside a shopping mall or if it’s best identified by its neighbourhood.)

Short description (Used on Facebook, HERE and TomTom)

  • Short description of the local store or your brand
  • max 240 characters
  • Please note that emojis and characters with modifiers commonly used in some languages such as ü or ñ are counted as 2 or more characters by the networks.

Long Description (Used on Here, TomTom, Apple, Bing, Google)

  • Description of the local store or your brand
  • max 750 characters
  • Please note that emojis and characters with modifiers commonly used in some languages such as ü or ñ are counted as 2 or more characters by the networks.

Street Address (Required)

City (Required)


Postal Code (Required)

Country (Required)

  • Preferably use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, with the country name in English and with proper capitalisation (eg. “Sweden,” instead of “Sverige” or “sweden”)

Latitude (Required) – example: 55,58692722

Longitude (Required) – example: 12,9181948

Phone – example: +46 765 456789

Email – Email address on which your customers can contact you


Monday to Sunday hours

  • 0000-2400
  • For example: opening hours 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM would be “0900-1600”
  • Multiple spans are allowed but must be separated by “*;”**
  • For example: 1130-1300; 1500-2300
  • To mark the location as closed, leave the field empty

Always open

  • Yes or y or true
  • Overrides opening hours field

Permanently Closed

  • Yes or y or true

Opening date

  • format example: 2020-09-18

Wi-Fi SSID (Only shown on Facebook)

  • So customers can see whether a location provides WiFi. Currently only shown on Facebook.
  • max 32 characters