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Huawei Business Connect Closure: What You Need to Know

We have an important update regarding Huawei and its Business Connect service. In the coming weeks, Huawei will be closing down their Business Connect service and API due to internal strategic changes. As of today, they will no longer accept data updates from any of their data partners, including PinMeTo.

What does this mean for PinMeTo users?

In response to this announcement, we will be removing Huawei as a compatible network from our platform over the next few weeks. It is important to note that this closure impacts all of Huawei’s data partners, not just PinMeTo.

What about existing data on Huawei services?

As of now, it appears that the services which utilize the data we send to Huawei (such as maps and search apps) will continue to exist and retain all existing data. However, this situation may change, and we will keep you updated as we receive further information from Huawei.

PinMeTo’s role 

We want to assure you that PinMeTo remains committed to providing our customers with the best experience across all networks. We will continue to work closely with our partners to ensure that your business thrives online.

Stay tuned for further updates on the subject, and as always, thank you for choosing PinMeTo as your trusted partner in managing your online presence.