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Conversations – Saved Replies

Saved replies will help you reply to your customers more quickly, using predefined and saved replies.

Here is how you do it:

  1. Navigate to Conversations – Saved replies
  1. Add a name for your saved reply and the content of the saved reply below that
  2. Click add
  3. If you want to edit a saved reply, click on it, and the text will show at the top ready for editing. Once you have modified it, click ”Save”
  4. If you want to delete a saved reply, move your mouse over the desired one and click the ”X” on the right-hand side.
  1. Once you have created your replies, you can navigate to your open the saved reply selection in the inbox by clicking the saved reply icon or by starting a sentence with #.
  1. Select the reply you would like to use, then send it